Who Runs EB Ranch Farmstead?

chainsaw, wood harvest, farmstead, eb ranch farmstead

Chainsaw Bob!

There are different introductions I have written in the past about the farm. These introductions share the essentials of the farm. Including the name behind EB Ranch, which stand for Erin and Bob.

Bob is my partner, and we have been together for around 18 years, as of late 2023. We are committed to supporting each other's goals and passions. Not to mention, we are both fairly well-equipped at working through tough situations and growing with each other over these years.

Our initial goal when we moved to our first farm that boasted 16 acres was to take a crack at a self-sufficient lifestyle. Which included a lot of gardens, food preservation and small scale farming.

In 2015, I made a choice to create an LLC and start my own business. Bob had been a musician his whole life, and had been and still is involved in playing in bands. As life changed, including moving to a larger acreage of land and expanding the goat farm, other living aspect changed.

Through all of this, Bob has been an important supportive person that I can get feedback from, or help me with larger construction projections or repairs. But EB Ranch Farmstead is run and operated mainly by me. Even from the early years, but especially after I started running things as a business. That means all the animal and land management plans, bookkeeping, website, product creating/making, marketing, scheduling, events, etc.

Bob on the other hand is a wonderful partner, and the person that supplies 99% of our wood for keeping us warm in the winter. I might pitch in here and there, but Bob harvests trees, cuts, and still hand splits all the wood we need.

In the distant past, I helped out about 50/50 with wood harvest. But things change and shift, as mentioned before. I'm in awe of the work that Bob does, and not just with harvesting wood. He is a person that is soaked in playing music. I'm incredibly happy he is at a place where he is able to practice weekly, and take days and days to write songs and practice on his own.

A tiny side reason that I am writing this is that people do accidentally fall into the misconception that Bob is the main farmer. I don't let it bother me anymore, and Bob quickly corrects people to tell them I'm the one in charge. But we both play important and equal roles in each other's lives, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cheers to Bob, he has done far more personal projects than wood cutting and music over the years, but those are his stories to tell or for me to share later.

Thank you for your support,

— Erin


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