Tepper Line Preservation Project

What Is The Tepper Line Preservation Project?

After communicating with fellow SCI goat breeders, some of us decided to focus on line breeding. At the EB Ranch Farmstead, I am working on the Tepper Line.

You can find out more information from the links HERE and HERE. I am working on creating higher Tepper line percentage SCI goats while still keeping a low COI %. Than working with other dedicated breeders on growing the Tepper line.

Besides growing the Tepper line, other projects include raising money to pay for goats to go to new breeders. As well as working on creating plans to collect and preserve valuable genetic material. If you would like to donate to some of these projects, click HERE.


In “Managing Breeds for a Secure Future,” Dr. Phil Sponenberg reiterates numerous times the importance of preserving lines in order to preserve certain genetics and have them available for the future.  He says, “Managing the bloodlines, strains, and varieties within a breed is important for long-term maintenance of the genetic variability that is crucial in breed viability.”  By having breeders whose focus is the linebreeding of lines, the SCI goat population can maintain maximum genetic diversity, maintaining pools of unique genetics for other breeders to access to add to their herds.