EB Ranch Farmstead Goat Rental Service
Welcome to the EB Ranch Farmstead Goat Rental Service Page
EB Ranch Farmstead uses an all male heritage breed of San Clemente Island goats to help you with your land management plan.
The goats at EB Ranch Farmstead can help you achieve various short and long term land management goals From small leafy brush and invasive plant clearing, to larger rotational grazing and soil fertility improvement jobs. Goats can offer a low impact way to help you manage your land.
Service starts in May and runs until the first week of October. Goat rental services will only be offered within an approximate 30 mile radius of Ridgeland, WI.
Keep reading to find out more and decide if a goat rental service is right for you.
- Before committing to any job, Erin from the EB Ranch Farmstead will talk about what your management plans are and visit your site. There will be more discussion about landowner goals and more concrete expectations will be discussed.
- Before any job is started, there will be a contractual agreement signed. Often, that contract will have some flexibility based on what each job will entail.
- There are weekly, monthly, seasonal, and yearly contracts as well as a $100 non-refundable deposit. Weekly rates cost around $125, while monthly rates start at around $400 with rates increasing the further away I have to travel for a job and if more than 10 goats are required for a job.
- Goats are loaded up and taken to job sites. Usually starting with around 10 goats, but as many as 20 or more. San Clemente Island goat males tend to be more petite than other goat breeds. And the males seem to not have the same scent glands as other breeds so there is no buck stink associated with them.
- Goats are contained in portable electric net fence with a solar energizer that keeps the fence electrified or "hot". Portable shelter will be brought with as well as large water troughs.
- It will be discussed if water is available on site or if it needs to be brought in.
- Creating clear boundaries and expectations will be established. Often Erin will be the one in charge of watering, moving, and caring for the goats on the landowners property. From time to time other arrangements can be agreed upon. Such as the landowner taking charge of watering the goats or even moving fences and goats.
- There will be discussions about emergency situations, such as severe storms, sick goats, or goats that break out of fences.
- Other questions and concerns will be discussed with the land owner(s).